Preserve Mangrove, Preserve our future

Tokyu Land Indonesia did the 2nd CSR on 2015 at Taman Wisata Angke, Kapuk with the theme “Preserve Mangrove, Preserve our future.” This program has been implemented since our first CSR program by planting Mangrove trees.

Continuing our CSR similar activities in the previous year, we are still committed to planting Mangrove trees so that our previous CSR results are also more effective. We hope that the continuation of this activity can help better nature conservation and will also help humans in getting the most comfortable climate and weather to prevent natural disasters. 

Mangrove forests also have several links and contributions in meeting human needs, both in their function in providing food, shelter, health, and for the environment. Two functions of mangrove forests as potential marine resources in Indonesia are ecological and economic functions. The ecological function of mangrove forests is as a habitat (place to live) for marine animals to take shelter, find food, and breed. Another ecological function is to protect the coast from seawater abrasion. The economic function of mangrove forests is in the form of the economic value of wood and trees and the living things in them.