Preserve Mangrove, Preserve our future

Tokyu Land Indonesia did the 1st CSR on 2014 at Taman Wisata Angke, Kapuk with the theme “Preserve Mangrove, Preserve our future.” This program has been carried out by planting Mangrove trees.

2014 was Tokyu Land Indonesia’s first CSR. As a form of our concern for the environment in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, we strive to carry out CSR in order to help preserve the environment. For our first CSR, we planted Mangrove trees in Taman Wisata Angke.

We realize that one of the causes of pollution in Jakarta is the depletion of forests. More carbon dioxide gas is released than absorbed by plants, resulting in poor air quality for people living in Jakarta. PIK’s mangrove forest is a source of oxygen for the people of Jakarta. In addition, the positive impact of mangrove planting on the environment is that it can prevent beach abrasion, withstand waves, and hold mud which can become a habitat for marine biota, such as shrimp, crabs, and shelter for seabirds. Not only that, mangroves act as a buffer during hurricanes and storms.

This activity will be carried out continuously in the hope that it can provides many benefits, directly and indirectly to human life.